Board Member

  • Information Network
  • Rem
  • Feb 02, 2025

Job Description

Founded in 2001, Information Network (THLIN) is an award-winning digital health non-profit committed to connecting patients, caregivers, and health system planners to health and social service providers across the province.  We’re driven by an unrelenting commitment to simplifying system navigation by building useful and usable online tools. Becoming healthier is challenging; finding care shouldn’t be.

THLIN is an authoritative health service directory that makes navigating the health care system easier. With close to 50,000 detailed records for home, community, primary, acute and long-term care services, our online service directory is the most widely used, online system navigation tool in Ontario.  Last year, THLIN helped over 10 million Ontarians find the services they needed. 

For more information, please visit the THLIN corporate website:  You can also visit our portal:


The Board is a skills-based board comprising Directors who collectively have the skills, knowledge and experience to effectively govern and direct THLIN. The skills and attributes required of THLIN Directors can be broadly categorised as follows:

  • governance skills (skills directly relevant to performing the Board’s key functions)
  • industry skills (skills relevant to the industry or sector in which THLIN predominantly operates)
  • personal attributes or qualities that are generally considered desirable to be an effective Director

In addition, the Board seeks diversity in aspects such as gender, geographic location, age, or different perspectives relative to the skills and attributes noted above.

Board of Directors are responsible for approving the strategic direction of THLIN and establishing appropriate governance and risk management strategies to ensure promotion of the mission, protection of the assets, and sustainable long-term growth and viability. Directors ensure the affairs of the organization are conducted in accordance with approved policies and by-laws.

General Expectations:

  • Understand and demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s vision, mission and values.
  • Contribute to the development and monitoring of the strategic plan.
  • Keep up to date with issues and trends that affect the organization.
  • Prepare for meetings by reading agendas, minutes, reports, briefing notes, and other documentation required to actively participate and make decisions.
  • Attend meetings regularly.
  • Make inquiries when clarification or more information is needed.
  • Understand and monitor the organization’s financial affairs.
  • Avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Understand and maintain confidentiality.
  • Ensure the organization is complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.

Candidate Profile
THLIN is seeking individuals to join the Board of Directors, experienced in one or more of the following areas:

  • Knowledge of healthcare landscape in Ontario
  • Software Development
  • Information Management
  • Cyber Security
  • Legal
  • Government Relations


  • The Board typically meets 5x/year for 1.5 hours
  • The AGM is an additional 1-hour long meeting, held in September
  • Preparation for Board meetings is essential and should be factored into the overall time commitment expected from Board members
  • Board members will serve a one-year term to be eligible for re-appointment for additional terms on an annual basis

Core Competencies:

  • Values - Driven to improve healthcare navigation for the people of Ontario
  • Integrity and Ethics - A commitment to understanding and fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a director. This includes being transparent and declaring any activities or conduct that might be a potential conflict.
    • Critical and Innovative Thinker - The ability to critically analyze complex and detailed information, readily understand key healthcare issues, and develop innovative approaches and solutions to problems. 
    • Relationship Management - A commitment to build and maintain a positive rapport with internal and external stakeholders. Recognition of the role that all stakeholders play in the success of THLIN.  
    • Leadership - Engages and inspires others to help accomplish team and organizational goals. Appropriately represents THLIN and helps set the right organizational culture.   
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset - The ability to identify and make the most of opportunities and overcome obstacles in what sometimes can be an uncertain future.


To apply, please contact with a C.V. and a brief letter outlining a description of your experience and what you feel you would bring to THLIN Board.  Expressions of interest will be received until February 28th, 2025.

Job Category

Board/Committee Members

