How to Post a job

Go to

  1. Set up an account - Sign Up -  or ' Sign In' to an existing account

  2. To post a job click on ‘Post a Job’ or ‘Posting Options’ in the menu near the top right side of the site.

  3. Choose a posting option and click on the ‘Post a Job’ button under that option.

  4. The ‘Post a Job’ form will load. Fill in the form with the required information, including an email address or website for applicants and then click in the ‘Preview’ button on the bottom of the page.

  5. The preview page allows you to preview your posting and edit it if necessary. Once you are satisfied with the posting click on the ‘Post’ button at the bottom of the page to go to the checkout.

  6. Check out: There are two payment options.
    • Check out with a credit card using the PayPal function. You do not need a PayPal account to do this.
    • Phone 416-864-9667 and give your credit card information over the phone to finalize the payment.

If you have any problems please email